Friday, April 22, 2011

Gear: Posca, the Roman Legion's vinegar based Sport's Drink

My recipe for Sports Drink works pretty well, at least I’ve been happy with the results, both in its taste and how it makes me feel during a ride.  It includes vinegar as an ingredient, which many athletes may find unusual.  I got interested in Vinegar’s ability to assist with muscle recovery, and found out that it has been used in this regard for thousands of years.  Rome’s legions used vinegar derived from old wine, mixed it with the local water to kill any harmful bacteria and also to improve the flavor.  The Roman’s referred to this drink as Posca. 

Turns out modern science has found that vinegar is an excellent way to relieve or prevent muscle cramps.  Here's an interesting study on the benefits of vinegar.  Coaches and athletes have been drinking pickle juice for years for this very reason, and scientists are just beginning to understand the benefits of vinegar for athletes.  With all these benefits, I wanted to see if it indeed worked.  Over the course of a few rides, I worked out a recipe that works well for me; it masks the flavor of the vinegar, while providing the benefits of the sugar, salt, and vinegar (simple carbohydrates, mineral replenishment, and muscle relaxant, respectively). 

Try out my recipe below:

1 Liter of Water
4-6 Tbs of pre-sweetened Kool-Aid mix (adjust for your preference)
4 Tbs of Vinegar
¾ tsp Salt
“splash” of Lemon juice

An update to the recipe, less complicated and probably just as good:

1 L of Water
2 Packets of Kroger drink mix (small sports drink mix packets)
1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 tsp salt
splash of Lemon Juice

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